Friday, September 30, 2005

American prosperity

I have seemingly been bombarded with thoughts in the area of American arrogance which has made me think about the reasons for this mindset. America is one of the most prosperous countries in the world therefore most of its people are very self-righteous and condescending in the spreading of the American culture throughout the world. Americas prosperity has becom one of its greatrest attributes but also one of its worst detriments. Americans have become extremely selfish in their goals and worldviews there hasd been a severe loss of personality in the U.S. This loss of personality stems from that selfish want for more - not just more money but more land, food, friends, fun, sex or anything really, this has assisted in tearing the people of America farther and farther apart from each other and from the world. The "dog eat dog" mentality has given way to a bunch of cruel ideas of how to get ahead by stepping on the little people and basically the ends justifying the means sort of thing. This has also led to a major loss of people being personal due to a fear of personal hurt. Americans are shallow because they're afraid of what others think of them.

(I am planning a follow up post but I have a buttload of hpmework right now)

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