Tuesday, February 12, 2008


An amazing weekend followed by the doldrums of life. C'est la vis.
While I am in a melancholy mood for some reason, I have had a spike in my creativity once again - writing abounds as do drawings. I suppose there is a good side of everything. As I left to come home I hugged one of my best friends and told her that I really didn't want to leave - she just told me that the time away will make the next time we see each other more meaningful. I hate optimistic answers but man - she hit the nail on the head - "abscence makes the heart grow fonder" seems to ring true more and more in my life.

I am looking forward to posting some of my writings again soon; since I shut down my other blog, I haven't posted any (or written for that matter). The muse returns - I hope it's in a pleasant mood rather than the droll depressing one it usually seems to be in.

A political rant will be up tomorrow. (not that anyone even reads this anymore)