Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I seem to have lost my muse. When previously I could write some decent prose I am at a complete loss for words. My mind is simply a wasteland of foolish thoughts and petty complaints of life. I have found it difficult to even complain about government, hypocrisy, and waste. This comes partially because I have been burned out and recovering but also because my mind has deteriorated from a lack of very deep and philosophical reasoning - I find "because I said so" to be more desirable to me as a response than a well thought out and structured defense.

I found that some of my writing was best while I was stressed beyond sanity and depressed from the work I was neglecting - but I also was kind of miserable so I won't do that again. I need some depth and substance to debate. I have always been a passive debater but I want to get in a discussion where there can be no answer and hash out all possible outcomes.

I have a distaste for my selections in music - I'm finding myself listening to country and wierd Al all of the time - which can cause cancer in my mind. It's time for a change. Unmerited dissatisfaction is my central theme right now. I want for very little while desiring everything.

Foolishness. I crave wisdom.
I will post this on both blogs for the sake of ease rather than writing this again in different words. Indolence.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

An imported note from Facebook

Ok. So I'm back to the "hey I want to do stuff with music" idea again. I've avoided it since spring due to the music theory grades (that really was a downer). So I focused all of my energy into business. God apparently didn't care for me avoiding opportunities to play and be out there so I've had lots of obstacles with school and life in general - nothing big, just numerous. I feel a peace about playing again and don't want to screw up the gift I believe God gave me by hiding or neglecting it.As far as school goes - I'm not going to CIU again right now. I'm going to look around for this Fall or next spring.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I switched to the new blogger.
I'm in an e-commerce class being bored. To death.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I'm in the land of the living.
I'm the co-trading post manager at camp with Timmy Maines.
I'm happy to be taking Business Law.
I'm through with this update.