Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's been a day or two since I last posted I guess. Life is ok I suppose - never take a semester off when work is slow and you have nothing else to do though - you will be horribly bored. There - done with that. Now onto a few other subjects.
Friends - the past few years I've been blessed by having friendships grow and form. It is amazing to know that there are at least a few people who care about how life is going and are there through both good and bad times.
Work - I hate my job - landscaping for a boss who doesn't care about job performance is a real drag. Most of the time I work to do a good job rather than simply to get a paycheck, but it's been very tough with this job - I'll hang on though - only a few months left.
Camp - I am the Co-director of the out of camp high adventure program this summer - and am quite happy with this position - I sent in my contract today.
Politics - the primaries are over for my state now... FINALLY. No more political ads filling the TV and the mailbox until May or so hopefully. My preferred candidate lost our primary but oh well - what's going to happen - is going to happen. (it's prolly rigged somehow anyway)

I think that's all for today. I'll get on and type a rant soon hopefully.

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