Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Why do I need a title?

It's cold as crap outside so I feel like complaining - it was 27 when I left the house this morning.

This semester - I currently have 4 a's and 1 grade which I don't know.

Business 101 - not too bad very6 boring due to overlap with management.
Management 101 - same as Business only due to overlap with business.
Computers 170 - Boring - I learned nothing - we skipped the section on Access - the only thing I didn't know well.
Macroeconomics - Excellent if we would ever finish the class - we haven't me in 2 weeks.
Marriage & The Family - I don't really know - I've only recieved 1 grade and it wasn't good so I'm pesimistic. - A good class though, it has been interesting.

I'm ready to go back to camp. I miss people.
I'm plagued with writers block as well.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Well, for starters, I was under the impression that crap isn't cold. But if it is, then I'd say it's colder than crap where I am. Secondly, I think it's odd how much better our grades are when we aren't at CIU. I'm back to the usual straight A academic career I grew up with. But I do miss CIU very much.