Monday, August 14, 2006


V for Vendetta. I saw this movie about 2 weeks ago now and was both impressed and slightly offended by it. The views on government were very close to my own - when government gets too strong the people suffer and must take action. Views on religion were slightly offensive though partially an echo of the Nazi regime - religious based government reaches out to crush those of differing opinions rather than reaching out in love to persuade them to change. The views on homosexuality differ greatly from my own - I don't hate people of that lifestyle but I do believe that they are wrong. I believe that the only way to effectively change a persons views is to guide them to believe as you do rather than openly confront them - confrontation does have it's benefits as does violence but persuasion leaves less damage to heal.

I will be buying this film to watch it many more times - it recieves good rating. Theatrically it is amazing, excellent dialogue and writing.

I would rant on the Government of the U.S. here but I feel I have been so disconnected from the news over the summer I would be beating old topics to death.